Christian Hoerbov-Meier is an engaging conductor with lots of experience including all levels of orchestras – He is a specialist in youth orchestras, and has influenced many young musicians in Denmark, serving 10 years as conductor of FAUST (now Carl Nielsen Youth Orchestra), presently Conductor of MiVU (Midt Western Youth Orchestra) and as the orchestra conductor at “OrkesterEfterskolen” in Holstebro, Denmark (Boarding School for Orchestra Musicians age 15-16).
Christian Hoerbov-Meier´s approach to music is to create excitement and joy of playing as well as a clear feeling of contribution to the orchestra. Making it possible for the individual musicians to develop as much as possible.
Christian Hoerbov-Meier has worked in many different contexts and is comfortable with both professional and semi-professional productions of Opera and Open Air Concerts including soloists and Choir.
“Music doesn’t have to be perfect – it has to be alive! – Then it has the potential to be perfect”
– Christian Hørbov-Meier
Christian is a trained conductor with both a master’s and a post master’s degree from Shenandoah University, VA, USA, and he is also a trained violinist from The Royal Academy of Music in Denmark.
Most important positions
- Orchestra Conductor at OrkesterEfterskolen
Orchestra Boarding School for 15-17 year old musicians
- Chief Conductor of MiVU
Midt West Youth Orchestra, Denmark
- 10 years as Conductor of FAUST
Carl Nielsen Youth Orchestra, Denmark
- Conductor of Silkeborg Chamber Orchestra
Collaboration with soloists
Among others
- Anker Buch, violin
- Niklas Walentin, violin
- Odin Rathnam, violin
- Brett Deubner, Viola
- Luis Zorita, Cello
- Ronni Kot Wenzell, Marimba
- Susanne Elmark, Soprano
- Magnus Vigilius, Tenor
- Mette Østergaard, Mezzo Soprano
- Jakob Zethner, Bass